Ethelbert Nevin, a retired technical draftsman, resides in a quiet New England backwater. Currently translating a novel about Continental pinsetters, Nevin longs for the days when music didn’t try to please everybody.
Ethelbert Nevin

Used Bin Troll Tweets HHH.
This sequence of “Dishonest Music: Myths and Tales from Humanism” offers enthusiastic 15th-century vignettes.

Used Bin Troll Tweets HHH.
This sequence of “Dishonest Music: Myths and Tales from Humanism” offers enthusiastic 15th-century vignettes.

Tome Tweets 3.
Morricone was smart. De Rosa coaxes vignettes and wisdom from the maestro.

Tome Tweets 3.
Morricone was smart. De Rosa coaxes vignettes and wisdom from the maestro.

Used Bin Troll Tweets GGG.
Perhaps the Buddha has always been a Bayreuth resident.

Used Bin Troll Tweets FFF.
A lavish Mermaid (penned after Alma left him for Mahler).

Used Bin Troll Tweets EEE.
Three inventive choral works expertly performed.

Used Bin Troll Tweets DDD.
PatKop’s sprechstimme may be too brazen for some, however, Pierrot should unnerve us.

Used Bin Troll Tweets DDD.
PatKop’s sprechstimme may be too brazen for some, however, Pierrot should unnerve us.

Used Bin Troll Tweets CCC.
The Spektral Quartet advises hitting shuffle so that Lewis may frolic amongst Crawford and Schoenberg.

Used Bin Troll Tweets CCC.
The Spektral Quartet advises hitting shuffle so that Lewis may frolic amongst Crawford and Schoenberg.

Used Bin Troll Tweets BBB.
How often do we ever get to hear magic unfolding real-time?

Used Bin Troll Tweets BBB.
How often do we ever get to hear magic unfolding real-time?

Used Bin Troll Tweets AAA.
Obscure but catchy. Bialas’ crisp serial grammar is thoroughly infused with jazz rhythms.

Used Bin Troll Tweets AAA.
Obscure but catchy. Bialas’ crisp serial grammar is thoroughly infused with jazz rhythms.

Used Bin Troll Tweets ZZ.
Scratchy but acute snippets of Japan’s earliest commercial recordings.

Used Bin Troll Tweets ZZ.
Scratchy but acute snippets of Japan’s earliest commercial recordings.

Used Bin Troll Tweets YY.
The Rozhdestvensky family in a memorable double concerto.

Used Bin Troll Tweets XX.
Genial late-Romantic chamber pieces; Humperdinck was more than a Wagner acolyte.

Used Bin Troll Tweets XX.
Genial late-Romantic chamber pieces; Humperdinck was more than a Wagner acolyte.