Piano Factory

Piano Factory 32.
I hear the last four sonatas as a connected sequence where Walker’s system appears to value compact expression over logic.

Piano Factory 32.
I hear the last four sonatas as a connected sequence where Walker’s system appears to value compact expression over logic.

Piano Factory 31. / (Dis)Arrangements 15.
Bach’s lines continue to soar enhanced with Febel’s chiaroscuro and highlights. Just as there will be those who will be horrified at Febel’s invention, there will be those who may never wish it to end.

Piano Factory 31. / (Dis)Arrangements 15.
Bach’s lines continue to soar enhanced with Febel’s chiaroscuro and highlights. Just as there will be those who will be horrified at Febel’s invention, there will be those who may never wish it to end.

Piano Factory 30.
Situated in the high register, like a music box, a delicate irregular chiming pattern repeats in Harman’s 371 Chorales.

Piano Factory 30.
Situated in the high register, like a music box, a delicate irregular chiming pattern repeats in Harman’s 371 Chorales.

Piano Factory 29. / Scarlatti para siempre 2.
With Grante we take an invigorating stroll to the top of the mountain where we can enjoy the views.

Piano Factory 29. / Scarlatti para siempre 2.
With Grante we take an invigorating stroll to the top of the mountain where we can enjoy the views.

Piano Factory 28.
My favorite track is the Prelude from Bach’s Second English Suite which glows fantastically on Fender Rhodes.

Piano Factory 28.
My favorite track is the Prelude from Bach’s Second English Suite which glows fantastically on Fender Rhodes.

Piano Factory 27.
Van Raat wraps unfamiliar French piano music around a Boulez premiere.

Piano Factory 27.
Van Raat wraps unfamiliar French piano music around a Boulez premiere.

Piano Factory 26.
With a blunt motif, 31 variations and a coda, Riotte’s Météorite et ses métamorphoses establishes itself as a concentrated chain of modernist miniatures.

Piano Factory 26.
With a blunt motif, 31 variations and a coda, Riotte’s Météorite et ses métamorphoses establishes itself as a concentrated chain of modernist miniatures.

Piano Factory 25.
Liberated from traditional scale passages and gestures, Aperghis’ particular brand of energetic filigree is unfurled across four piano works.

Piano Factory 25.
Liberated from traditional scale passages and gestures, Aperghis’ particular brand of energetic filigree is unfurled across four piano works.

Piano Factory 24.
Variation sets on popular tunes often helped pay the rent. A gifted improviser, Beethoven was known to delight friends for hours if the mood struck.

Piano Factory 24.
Variation sets on popular tunes often helped pay the rent. A gifted improviser, Beethoven was known to delight friends for hours if the mood struck.

Piano Factory 23.
Forsberg offers a program of doubly neglected works. First off, these are all pieces by women composers, and secondly, none of them fits easily into the big styles of the late 19th or early 20th century.

Piano Factory 23.
Forsberg offers a program of doubly neglected works. First off, these are all pieces by women composers, and secondly, none of them fits easily into the big styles of the late 19th or early 20th century.

Piano Factory 22. / Italian Vacation 15.
If Tosatti is encountered today, it is perhaps as Scelsi’s transcriber who momentarily popped up to claim a greater share of attribution.

Piano Factory 22. / Italian Vacation 15.
If Tosatti is encountered today, it is perhaps as Scelsi’s transcriber who momentarily popped up to claim a greater share of attribution.

Piano Factory 21: Haydn and Busoni
Exercising a Stein fortepiano from 1799, Mitchell improvises brief thematic and harmonic transitions. These are mature Haydn sonatas, in which seemingly modest ideas are expertly probed.

Piano Factory 21: Haydn and Busoni
Exercising a Stein fortepiano from 1799, Mitchell improvises brief thematic and harmonic transitions. These are mature Haydn sonatas, in which seemingly modest ideas are expertly probed.