Iddhis Bing lives at La Generale, an artist’s commune on the edge of the Seine. He writes fiction (NeoYorkinos, The Apartment Thief) – someday the grandees of American publishing will see fit to bring them out. He takes bad pix and enjoys himself. Stay tuned.
Iddhis Bing

Can These Bones Live? Conservatoire Blues
The night began auspiciously behind closed doors.
May 4, 2013

Can These Bones Live? Conservatoire Blues
The night began auspiciously behind closed doors.
May 4, 2013

Can These Bones Live? A prejudiced ramble through Paris et environs
A catastrophic evening that sandwiched Varèse between Mozart and Tchaikowsky and left the composer, by one account, in tears.
March 2, 2013

Can These Bones Live? A prejudiced ramble through Paris et environs
A catastrophic evening that sandwiched Varèse between Mozart and Tchaikowsky and left the composer, by one account, in tears.
March 2, 2013