Used Bin Troll Tweets III.

Ethelbert Nevin

[June 2022.]

Opera in Musica.” Carlo MONZA: Quartetto in do maggiore, “Gli amanti rivali” (ca. 1780-90); Quartetto in re maggiore, “Opera in musica” (ca. 1780-90); Quartetto in fa maggiore, “La fucina di vulcano” (ca. 1780-90); Quartetto in si bemolle maggiore, “Il giuocatore” (ca. 1780-90); Quartetto in sol minore, “Divertimento notturno” (ca. 1780-90); Quartetto in mi bemolle maggiore, “La caccia” (ca. 1780-90). Europa Galante: Fabio Biondi, Andrea Rognoni (vln), Stefano Marcocchi (vla), Alessandro Andriani (vlc). Naïve V 7541 (1 CD) (

Initial releases of six ingenious quartets resembling mini operas from a composer who Mozart may have bumped into on his Italian tours. YES.

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN: Kantate auf den Tod Kaiser Josephs II, “Trauerkantate,” (“Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II”), WoO 87 (1790)1; Kantate auf die Erhebung Leopold II. zur Kaiserwürde, (“Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II”), WoO 88 (1790)2. Reetta Haavisto1, Johanna Lehesvuori2 (sop), Tuomas Katajala2 (ten), Juha Kotilainen1, Niklas Spångberg2 (bass), Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis1, Key Ensemble2, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra1,2, Leif Segerstam1,2 (cond.). Naxos 8.574077 (1 CD) (

The nineteen-year-old Beethoven knew a thing or two about dramatic structure as these unfamiliar and early, political cantatas show. MAYBE.

Complete Piano Sonatas.” Hélène de MONTGEROULT: Trois Sonates, Op. 1 (1795); Trois Sonates, Op. 2 (1800); Trois Sonates, Op. 5 (1811). Nicolas Horvath (pno). Grand Piano GP885-86 (2 CDs) (

She survived the French Revolution to write Late-Classical Early-Romantic sonatas with foursquare busying chords lacking counterpoint. MAYBE.

Wenzeslaus Thomas MATIEGKA: Six Sonatas, Op. 31 (ca. 1811-17). David Starobin (guit). Bridge Records 9567 (1 CD) (

Reflecting aspects of early Viennese culture, these six graceful guitar sonatas elegantly conclude Starobin’s studio recording career. YES.

The New Four Seasons: Vivaldi Recomposed.” Max RICHTER: The New Four Seasons (2021). Elena Urioste (vln), Chineke! Orchestra. (1 CD) DG 00028948627691 (

Thanks, Richter, for the spicy sauce and dressing Vivaldi in party clothes. Will DG spit out a third version in another 10 years? NO COMMENT.

Time For Three: Letters for the Future.” Kevin PUTS: Contact (2021). Jennifer HIGDON: Concerto 4-3 (2007). Time For Three: Nicolas Kendall, Charles Yang (voice, vln), Ranaan Meyer (voice, cbs), The Philadelphia Orchestra, Xian Zhang (cond.). DG 00028948630943 (1 CD) (

Yup, I don’t need to be told how the world works. This easygoing stuff pays the bills, fills seats, and reduces angst all around. NO COMMENT.


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