Used Bin Troll Tweets HHH.

Ethelbert Nevin

[May 2022.]

Musica Disonesta: Miti e Racconti dall’Umanesimo.” Var. comps: Var. Pieces. Anonima Frottolisti. Tactus TC 490001 (1 CD) (

Appealing, also enigmatic, this sequence of “Dishonest Music: Myths and Tales from Humanism” offers enthusiastic 15th-century vignettes. YES.

Narrow Sea.” Caroline SHAW: Narrow Sea (2017)1; Taxidermy (2012)2. Dawn Upshaw1 (voice), Gilbert Kalish1 (pno), Sō Percussion1,2: Eric Cha-Beach, Josh Quillen, Adam Sliwinski, Jason Treuting (perc). Nonesuch 075597917895 (1 CD) (

I am not comprehending why these splinters, these incomplete and unpersuasive gewgaws were considered finished work and thusly released. NO.

James DASHOW: Archimedes (2000-08). Cast includes: Michael Kelly, Martin Bakari, Adrian Rosas, Jennifer Zetlan, Brian Giebler, Toby Newman, Madeleine Albus, Philip Kerr, Antonio Politano, Nicholas Isherwood, James Wright. Neuma 121 (3 CDs) (

This full-length opera employs singers backed by electronics. An interesting idea, but the sounds and text settings are often clumsy. MAYBE.

Luis Humberto SALGADO: Sinfonía No. 1, “Andina” (1949); Sinfonía No. 2, “Sintética” (1953); Sinfonía No. 3, “In Rococo style” (1956); Sinfonía No. 4, “Ecuatoriana” (1957); Sinfonía No. 5, “Neoromántica” (1958); Sinfonía No. 6, “Para Cuerdas y Timbales” (1968); Sinfonía No. 7 (1970); Sinfonía No. 8 (1972); Sinfonía No. 9 (1975). Cuenca Symphony Orchestra, Michael Meissner (cond.). Brilliant Classics 96256 (3 CDs) (

Salgado (1903-77) brightly balanced modernity with native Ecuadorian ideas in nine curious symphonies here affectionately presented. MAYBE.

Tyler KLINE: Orchard (2018). Mijung An, Ariadne Antipa, Brandon Baltodano, Logan Barrett, Sarah Abigail Del Monte, Ann DuHamel, Megasari Honggokusuma, Grace Huang, Eunmi Ko, Ying Long, Christy Sallee, E-Na Song, Jescelyn Wijaya, Agnieszka Zick (pno). Neuma 144 (2 CDs) (

A collection of 50 miniatures characterizing fruits played by 14 pianists. Pithy and diverse, easy to appreciate Kline’s inventiveness. YES.

Sierra.” Jane Antonia CORNISH: Sky (2022); Ocean (2022); Sunglitter (2022); Last Light (2022); Sierra (2022). Vicky Chow (pno). Cantaloupe Music CA21174 (1 CD) (

For one or multiple pianos, many notes, like an untroubled waterfall or sometimes a sink tap left running. Quite unlike earlier releases. NO.


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