Articles tagged 'Nielsen'

In 1908…
In 1908 Mahler (48) made his Metropolitan Opera debut in New York with Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde (Jan. 1), wrote Das Lied von der Erde, and premiered his Seventh in Prague (Sep. 19).
November 11, 2016

In 1908…
In 1908 Mahler (48) made his Metropolitan Opera debut in New York with Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde (Jan. 1), wrote Das Lied von der Erde, and premiered his Seventh in Prague (Sep. 19).
November 11, 2016

Used Bin Troll Tweets D.
The astronomer’s star charts guide Johnston’s microtones. I crave Vol. 3.
October 23, 2013

Used Bin Troll Tweets D.
The astronomer’s star charts guide Johnston’s microtones. I crave Vol. 3.
October 23, 2013

Used Bin Troll Tweets B.
Gilbert’s freshness makes the comparison wonderfully simple.
August 9, 2013

Used Bin Troll Tweets B.
Gilbert’s freshness makes the comparison wonderfully simple.
August 9, 2013