Articles tagged 'Dean'

Used Bin Troll Tweets EEE.
Three inventive choral works expertly performed.
January 29, 2022

Psenitsnikova takes us through four varied pieces, three requiring tape or tape delay, from Fritsch who founded the Feedback Studio in Cologne.
June 10, 2017

Psenitsnikova takes us through four varied pieces, three requiring tape or tape delay, from Fritsch who founded the Feedback Studio in Cologne.
June 10, 2017

Holst Seven, Matthews Nil
The last time a living composer’s comments raised hackles (the only time perhaps?), that German gent, the one who’s working at a seven-day opera, uttered some “misconstrued” words about 9/11.
September 27, 2006

Holst Seven, Matthews Nil
The last time a living composer’s comments raised hackles (the only time perhaps?), that German gent, the one who’s working at a seven-day opera, uttered some “misconstrued” words about 9/11.
September 27, 2006