Armchair Operas and Amusements

Armchair Operas 4.

I recall when this 1987 recording first appeared, suddenly illuminating a forgotten genre. The French Baroque gestures made a strong impression, and I subsequently trusted Christie and Les Arts Florissants for period favorites…

Armchair Operas 4.

I recall when this 1987 recording first appeared, suddenly illuminating a forgotten genre. The French Baroque gestures made a strong impression, and I subsequently trusted Christie and Les Arts Florissants for period favorites…

Armchair Operas 3.

With a knowing nod towards Pasolini’s Salò, McVicar and Devlin have set Strauss’ luscious single act (and last avant-garde salvo) in a high-ceilinged, multi-purpose cellar whose dingy tiles and fittings suggest a kitchen, showers, or more appropriately, an abattoir.

Armchair Operas 3.

With a knowing nod towards Pasolini’s Salò, McVicar and Devlin have set Strauss’ luscious single act (and last avant-garde salvo) in a high-ceilinged, multi-purpose cellar whose dingy tiles and fittings suggest a kitchen, showers, or more appropriately, an abattoir.

Armchair Operas 2.

With broad, sweeping strokes, Alessandrini brushes away years of dust and speculation.

Armchair Operas 2.

With broad, sweeping strokes, Alessandrini brushes away years of dust and speculation.

Armchair Operas 1.

Dacapo describes Langgaard’s bizarre Antikrist as a “religious mystery opera,” “magnificent doomsday vision” and “full length nightmare.”

Armchair Operas 1.

Dacapo describes Langgaard’s bizarre Antikrist as a “religious mystery opera,” “magnificent doomsday vision” and “full length nightmare.”